Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh ya, I have one of these...

Blogs overwhelm me. I always want to write something, but I think I put to much thought into it. I usually end up writing half a blog post and then I give up. There is always so much I want to say and sometimes I don't know how to say it!

But I'm gonna try and start writing in this little blog of mine more. I'm not going to feel pressured into writing a novel every time I do write. I mean, who wants to read a novel anyways? Instead, I just want to write about the things that the Lord is teaching me. Hopefully my words will encourage people, but I know that I will also enjoy reflecting on what God has done in my life. Blogging will be a good way to do just that.

So, I'm going to not stress and just do this thing. If you want to keep up with me, then you can follow me or whatever. I'm gonna start out easy and just do a post a week. So get ready blog World, I'm bout to blow this blog up! Yuh!