Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This semester is almost over, and I'm actually kind of bummed. This has by far been one of the coolest semesters and the Lord has revealed to me some pretty sweet things. Here is a list of some of the things that I have learned/enjoyed this semester.

1. I have LOVED living with my sister, brother in law and their kids! It has been such a blessing to stay here and I want to write a future blog sharing everything that I have learned from living with them.

2. Becoming Mexican. Okay, okay, so I haven't actually turned brown (although my heart has) but the Lord has really given me a heart towards Mexicans this semester! It started with working with almost all Hispanic people at Tin Star and now the Lord has provided multiple opportunities to love and pray for the beautiful Hispanic people!

3. I can push myself physically! I'm still learning this, but it has been cool to get up two or three times a week to go run/walk the track at 5 AM. In fact, I have really enjoyed it! When Damaris and I started doing this the first week of the semester, I seriously thought it would only last for a week or two at max. But somehow, through God's grace, we have managed to get our butts up and out of bed every week! (except for during the crazy snow storm and a week when we were sickly).

4. I can do well in school! Now, this hasn't exactly been my hardest semester, but it hasn't been my easiest either schoolwork wise. I've found out that if I really apply myself to my classes, I actually do pretty well. I have actually learned a lot in my biology and math class and I'm really thankful for my teachers this semester. I have really enjoyed school for the most part and that has been a wonderful change!

5. God is working through me! This last thing that I have learned this semester is actually really exciting and encouraging for me. Like most Christians, I have struggled at times to see how God is using me for His purpose and glory. These past couple weeks though He has revealed to me that He is working through me in a unique way. This semester the Lord has shown me that my ability to listen to other people is actually a gift that He gave me to use! I know it might sound silly, but I really do think that one of my gifts (I know its not on the official list) is the gift of listening. I really do LOVE listening to people share their lives with me, and I can listen to someone hours on end.

This past semester a friend of mine has been given the opportunity to work at a public school and work with underpriveledged kids. Her students are, funnily enough, predominatly hispanic and are greatly in need of love, support and encouragement. I have had the opportunity to mentor/tutor some of her kids each week, but really she is the one that has had a huge impact on her students lives. Throughout the semester, I have greatly enjoyed listening to my friend talk about her students and share with me both the joys and struggles she has experienced while working with them. My friend LOVES these kids in huge ways! But when you open yourself up to love, a lot of times you experience great heartache.

A couple weeks ago, my friend and I were on the phone and she was sharing with me more things about her job and her students. After a while she said something like "Grace, I'm sorry for talking your ear off about this! Sometimes I feel bad for talking so much." It was then that I realized something about myself that is really cool. I had never felt like she talks to much! In fact, I always loved and enjoyed hearing her heart and listening to her stories. I realized that God has used me in her life to lend an open ear. Everyone needs to talk at some point or another and God is using my ears to listen. I know it may sound crazy, but the Lord has shown me that doing something as simple as listening can be done for His glory. How crazy is that?

And thankfully my friend is totally awesome and will listen to me talk all day too! It's definintly not a one way listening relationship ;)

I'm stoked to see how God is going to continue to use my ability (that He gave me) to listen and ask people questions throughout the rest of my life. Sometimes it is the small things that we do that God can really use in mighty ways. I hope that you can begin to see how God may be using you in those seemingly small ways, because it is so awesome to realize that God can and will use you for His purposes!

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